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清朝建立后,经过顺治和康熙初期的过渡,国家日趋承平安定。到康熙中期,满人汉化的程度加深,涌现出一批热衷于汉文化的宗室文人群体,在清初艺坛上扮演了重要角色,形成独特的文化景观。博尔都便是其中最具典型性的人物之一,他与汉族文人名士往来频繁,交游唱和,取得了突出的艺术成就,无形中对满汉文化的融合与发展起到了促进作用。然而,前人文献对他的记载往往一笔带过,并多有舛误之处。因此,本文从文献考辨入手,分析文本异同,纠正前人史料谬误,对其生卒年、爵位予以确认。再结合《问亭诗集》与传世作品,以图史互证的方式,力图生动地呈现博尔都与汉族文人画士的交游情景与生活状态,并对其所藏作品予以剖析。 After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, after the transition of Shunzhi and the early Kangxi period, the state became more and more stable. By the mid-Kangxi period, the deepening of the Han people’s localization led to the emergence of a group of clan-writer groups keen on the Han culture, playing an important role in the art scene in the early Qing Dynasty and forming a unique cultural landscape. Bordeaux is one of the most typical characters. He has frequent exchanges with scholar of the Han nationality, made outstanding achievements in singing and dancing, and played an active role in promoting the integration and development of culture between Manchu and Han. However, the records of his predecessors have often been taken over and there are many mistakes. Therefore, this article starts from the literature examination and analysis, analyzes the similarities and differences of the texts, and corrects the historical data fallacies of the predecessors, and confirms the date of birth, death and title. Combining the poetry anthologies of Quotations and the works handed down to the world, the paper attempts to vividly present the communicative scenes and living conditions between Bordeaux and the Han scholar and painter in an interactive way with each other.