
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlshhgz
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干宝是东晋时期杰出的学者,据《晋书》本传记载,干宝自幼勤奋好学,博览书记,其学所涉广博精深,在经学、史学、文学、阴阳学等方面都大有建树,而其《搜神记》的撰写,被刘忄炎誉为“鬼之董狐”。但是历代以来人们对东晋这一大儒的其他著作的关注似乎不够,导致其多部作品渐渐散佚,实为一大损失。据历代书目的记载统计,干宝的著述多达二十余种,该文就来对干宝的这些著作一一考证。 Qibao is an outstanding scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. According to the biography of Jin Shu, Qibao has always been diligent and enterprising, and his secretary of the Expo has extensive and profound studies in science, history, literature, yin and yang, etc. , And its “search God Recorded” writing, was Liu Yan as “ghost of the Dong Fox”. However, since the successive generations, the attention paid to other writings of the great Confucianism in the Eastern Jin Dynasty has not been enough. As a result, many of its works have gradually been lost and lost, which in fact is a great loss. According to historical records of bibliography statistics, as many as twenty kinds of writings, this article will come to Qian Bao these works one by one textual research.