由于特殊的自然地理条件,我国是世界上遭受洪涝灾害最为频繁的国家之一。 据历史资料的不完全统计,从公元前206年到公元1949年的2155年间,我国共发生大水灾1092次,平均每两年就有一次大水灾。因此,我们的祖先留下这样的古训:“治国必先治水!”新中国成立后,党的三代领导集体都高度重视治水工作,动员亿万群众积极进行江河治理和防洪建设,取得了巨大成就,改变了旧中国那种洪水肆虐、民不聊生的局面。同时,还应该清醒地看到,我国目前的江河防洪标准依然偏低,水患作为中
Due to the special natural and geographical conditions, our country is one of the countries in the world suffering the most frequent floods. According to incomplete historical data, from 206 BC to 2155 AD, 1949, a total of 1092 major floods occurred in China, with an average of every two years there being a flood. Therefore, our ancestors left such an old saying: “After the founding of the People’s Republic of China must first cure the water!” After the founding of new China, the party’s three generations of leaders all attached great importance to flood control and mobilized hundreds of millions of people to actively carry out river control and flood control and achieved tremendous achievements , Changed the old China that flood rages, people live in dire straits. At the same time, we should clearly see that the current flood control standards in our country are still low, as a result of floods