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作为世界上最古老、最富活力的区域经济,流域经济培植了特色产业,同时也孕育了作为载体的城市。美国密西西比河和五大湖区域、德国莱茵河流域、英国泰晤士河流域、法国塞纳河流域以及俄罗斯伏尔加河流域,都是这些国家产业最集中、城市最发达的地区,体现了区位优势、自然资源和产业发展之间相互影响、相互促进的关系。沿着长江入海口上海溯江而上,经苏锡常,到长江三角洲最西部的城市南京,是万里长江整个流域中最繁华的一段,过去“苏湖熟,天下足”的局面,俨然变成了“苏湖造,天下足”。以上海这个国际航运中心为出口、800里苏江为主的长江下游,是中国最大的流域经济带最具活力的前沿,而洋山港的兴建,更为这条黄金水道注入了新的梦想空间。就产业版图而言,长江发生了什么变化?长江经济带最真实的状态是什么样子的?它是按照经济本身的规律带状分布,还是受制于行政区划的禁锢被人为的块状分割?它开发到什么程度?还有什么样的投资机会?它是否将成为世界上最著名的流域经济之一?为了回答这些疑问,2006年9月5日,本刊派记者从北京出发,进行了一次历时15天、沿江800里的考察采访活动,以下文字,是记者对这次采访的真实记录。 As the oldest and most dynamic regional economy in the world, the river basin economy has fostered special industries and also nurtured cities as carriers. The Mississippi and Great Lakes regions of the United States, the Rhine River Basin of Germany, the Thames Valley of the United Kingdom, the Seine River Valley of France, and the Volga River Basin of Russia are the most industrially concentrated and most developed regions in these countries, embodying regional advantages, natural resources, and industrial development. The mutual influence and mutual promotion relationship. Along the Yangtze River estuary, Shanghai climbs up the river and goes by Su Xichang to Nanjing, the westernmost city in the Yangtze River Delta. It is the most prosperous section of the Yangtze River in the entire Yangtze River Valley. In the past, the situation of “Sohu Lake is familiar, the world is full” has suddenly turned into a “Su Lake made, the world is full.” The lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is dominated by the Shanghai-based international shipping center and the 800-km Suzhou River, is the most dynamic frontier in China’s largest basin economic belt. The construction of Yangshan Port has injected new dreams into this golden waterway. space. As far as the industrial landscape is concerned, what changes have taken place in the Yangtze River, what is the truest state of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, whether it is distributed according to the rules of the economy itself, or whether the imprisonment subject to administrative divisions is artificially divided into blocks? To what extent? What kind of investment opportunities are there? Will it become one of the world’s most famous basin economies? To answer these questions, on September 5, 2006, the Journal sent a reporter from Beijing to conduct a The following investigation and interview activities lasting for 15 days and 800 miles along the river are the actual records of the reporters in this interview.
马来西亚宣布禁止进口无害虫证明的泰国芒果,此举是为了保护当地芒果免受芒果果核蟓的侵袭。马来西亚北部吉兰丹州的农业部官员Azahari Awand说,将马上实施这个阻止芒果毁灭