日本落叶松是雌、雄同株异花的树种,研究其种子园各无性系的花期,估计自交率,为今后种子园的花粉管理,防止自交,提高种子园种子的遗传品质均有着重要意义。一、材料和方法试验地设在清原县大孤家子林场的日本落叶松种子园内。 1981-1983年连续两年对64个无性系的花期进行了观察,测定了4个系的自交率。样株是从64个无性系中各选一株结实较好的个体,样枝则从样株的南侧距地面1.3-1.5米高处确定,并标记。观察雌球花5-15个,雄球花5-30个。雄花散粉期与雌花受粉期的确定: 雄花散粉期划分三个阶段:散粉初期——个别雄花开始散粉;散粉盛期——部分雄花散粉;散粉末期——有五分之四雄花散粉结束,
Japanese larch is a female and hermaphrodite tree species to study the flowering of its clones in the seed orchard and estimate the selfing rate for the future pollen management in the seed orchard and preventing selfing and improving the genetic quality of seeds in the seed orchard Significance. First, the materials and methods Experimental ground located in the Qingyuan County, Guyuan farm orchard larch seed garden. In 1981-1983, flowering of 64 clones was observed for two consecutive years, and the selfing rate of 4 lines was measured. The sample was selected from 64 clones of a better individual, sample from the southern side of the sample from 1.3-1.5 m above the ground to determine and mark. Observed female flowers 5-15, male flowers 5-30. Male flower loose period and female flower powdering period to determine: Male flower loose stage is divided into three stages: early loose powder - individual male flowers began to loose powder; loose powder peak - part of the male flower scattered powder; loose powder phase -