Female, 65 years old, Tibetan, progressive right upper quadrant appeared mass for three months, was admitted to hospital on January 3, 1993, physical examination: abdomen slightly longer, right upper quadrant full, abdominal breathing restricted, right upper quadrant can reach about 12 × 14cm size of the mass, the surface is smooth, the activity is small, obvious tenderness. Thoracoabdominal perspective: normal heart shape, thicker lungs texture, right diaphragm elevation. Urine routine normal. Clinical diagnosis of hepatic cysticercosis. B-ultrasound showed increased liver shape “mainly to the right lobe.” Left and right posterior segment of the right upper posterior segment of the liver can be seen about 13 × 12 × 9.3cm multiple cystic mass echo, the sound mass within the mass is good, realm clear, outside