Prediction of added resistance of a ship in waves at low speed

来源 :水动力学研究与进展B辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a13600660175
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This paper presents predictions of the added resistance of a ship in waves at a low speed according to the IMO minimum propulsion power requirement by a hybrid Taylor expansion boundary element method (TEBEM). The flow domain is divided into two parts: the inner domain and the outer domain. The first-order TEBEM with a simple Green function is used for the solution in the inner domain and the zero order TEBEM with a transient free surface Green function is used for the solution in the outer domain. The TEBEM is applied in the numerical prediction of the motions and the added resistance in wavesfor three new designed commercial ships. The numerical results are compared with those obtained from the seakeeping model tests. It is shown that the prediction of the ship motions and the added resistance in waves are in good agreement with the experimental results. The comparison also indicates that the accuracy of the motion estimation is crucial for the prediction of the wave added resistance. In general, the TEBEM enjoys a satisfactory accuracy and efficiency to predict the added resistance in waves at a low speed according to the IMO minimum propulsion power requirement.
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