奥地利 7月 2 4日宣布其第一个数字地面电视 (DTT)试验项目的细节 ,计划今年底在该国仅次于维也纳的第 2大城市格拉茨 (Graz)及其周边地区开始DTT试验 ,公共广播商 ?sterreichischerRundfunk (ORF)将升级其传输设施成DTT广播。ORF将推出MHP交互应用给约 2 0 0户参与试验的家庭
Austria announced details of its first digital terrestrial television (DTT) pilot project on July 24 and plans to begin a DTT test later this year in Graz, the second largest city in the country behind Vienna’s second largest city, Public broadcaster sterreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) will upgrade its transmission facilities to DTT radio. ORF will launch MHP interactive application to about 200 families participating in the trial