3大盐湖的盐度变化对卤虫卵生产的影响 大盐湖卤虫卵的产量和质量受很多环境因素的影响,其中最主要的是盐度。自从 1959年在湖中建造砂石铁路路基之后,虽然在路基下有一些涵洞,能够让南北湖进行水体交流,但是,由于大量淡水流入南湖,南湖的盐度逐年降低,北湖的盐度逐年
3 Saline changes in salt lake on the production of Artemia eggs Great Salt Lake Artemia egg production and quality of many environmental factors, of which the most important is the salinity. Since the construction of sand-gravel railway subgrade in the lake in 1959, although there are some culverts under the subgrade that allow the exchanges of water between the North and South lakes, the salinity of the North Lake has decreased year by year due to the large amount of fresh water flowing into the South Lake and the salinity of the North Lake decreasing year by year