Bee treatment is both ancient and emerging discipline, which is characterized by medical treatment does not rely on needles, knives, medicine, and rely on the bee bee needle into the acupuncture points or tenderness point. At this time, it can be seen that the venom capsule advances vigorously and rhythmically, just as the syringe needle and pin push the liquid medicine. In a moment, bee venom enters the body. Because bee venom contains a large number of peptides and enzymes, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-radiation function and enhance the body’s immune system, it not only for rheumatism, rheumatoid, hepatitis B have special effects on other diseases are Have a good effect. At present, bee has entered the medical field, playing a unique role. In general, make a skin test, the use of law, bee is safe. It is noteworthy that the large amount of amines, peptides and enzymes contained in the venom also have the opposite effect - bee venom allergic reactions, the light showed chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness, eyelid edema, body temperature, fatigue, Local itching