Female patient, 32 years old, due to obstetric examination of the liver inadvertently found liver placeholder, physical examination: under the margins of the ribs can be accessed enlargement of the liver, soft. Ultrasound examination: (Figure 1-2) the right and left lobe of liver 18.3cm, left and right leaves diameter 18cm, liver enlargement, liver edge sharp, smooth hepatic capsule, multiple abnormal echogenic zone can be seen in the liver, larger 8.3 × 8.5cm, the border is not clear, the shape is still the rule, most of the internal echo is low, the surrounding can be seen surrounded by multiple hyperechogenic light envelope, a small part of the high echo, the distribution is not uniform, CDFI: no significant internal blood Flow signal. Ultrasound Tip: Liver, intrahepatic multiple solid lesions, liver hydatid disease can be considered