本研究以蛇足石杉活体顶芽为外植体,研究了其表面及内生菌灭菌方法、外植体的增殖和生根方法。结果表明,表面灭菌后再采用0.5 mg·L-1孔雀石绿及100 mg·L-1的AAS联合灭菌,可获取较好的外植体灭菌效果。灭菌后的外植体仍带有一种内生真菌,但外植体可与该内生菌共生培养,并获得了蛇足石杉的增殖侧芽,侧芽极易从主茎分离,且生根率较顶芽高,30 d生根率可达90%,培养的根也呈二叉分枝状。
In the present study, the top buds of Huperzia serrata were used as explants to study the surface and sterilization methods of endophytes and the methods of explants proliferation and rooting. The results showed that the best sterilization effect of explants could be obtained by sterilizing the surface with 0.5 mg · L-1 malachite green and 100 mg · L-1 AAS. The sterilized explants still carry one kind of endophytic fungi, but the explants can be co-cultured with the endophytes, and the lateral buds of lateral buds are easily detached from the main stems, and the rooting rate is more Top bud high, 30 d rooting rate of up to 90%, cultured roots also showed a binary branch.