在芬兰的进一步研究证实,释放左旋18甲基炔诺酮的宫颈内节育器(ICD)可提供高效的激素避孕,而无IUD和药物的种种副作用。当代ICD流行类型为长25mm的T型节育器,其可弯曲的臂(flexible arms)总长为14mm。垂直柄是含43mg左旋18甲基炔诺酮的硅橡胶杆,并由硅橡胶管包裹。ICD每天大约释放20μg的激素。此节育器放置在宫颈管,T断面位于子宫下段,恰
Further research in Finland confirmed that intrauterine devices (ICDs) that release levonorgestrel 18 provide highly effective hormonal contraception without the IUD and drug side effects. The contemporary type of ICD is a 25mm long T-type IUD that has a total length of flexible arms of 14mm. The vertical handle is a silicone rubber rod containing 43 mg of levonorgestrel 18 wrapped in a silicone rubber tube. Approximately 20 μg of hormone is released daily by the ICD. This IUD placed in the cervical canal, T section located in the lower uterine segment, just