知道“贾文龙”这个名字 ,是从豫剧《能人百不成》开始的。他饰演剧中主角“白事成” ,朴实高亢、带着泥土芳香的唱腔和恰到好处的动情演绎令人眼前一亮 :“豫剧生角中竟有如此出类拔萃者!”后又得知贾文龙凭着《村官李天成》一剧荣登第二十届梅花奖的榜首 ,这对于我这个喝着黄
Know that “Jia Wenlong,” the name is from the opera “can not do anything” began. He played the protagonist of the play “white matter”, simple and soothing, with a fragrant aroma of soil and just the right emotional interpretation of the eye-openers: “Henan opera corner actually so outstanding!” And then learned that Jia Wenlong with “Village Officer Li Tiancheng,” a drama topped the 20th Plum Awards top, which for me this drink yellow