1993年是中国科技事业全面进入市场的一年,就在这一年,合肥卷烟厂相继开发了12个牌号、17种规格卷烟产品,增收3000多万元,一举控制住了滑坡局面,赢得了市场。 一个卷烟老企业为何能在8个月时间产生如此巨大变化,秘诀何在?关键在于…… 重视开发改造,创出一批高档产品 纵观我省卷烟市场,产品多属中低档,竞争力不强。合肥卷烟厂也不例外,生产滑坡,亏损严重。厂长杨前平去年4月上任伊始,就紧紧抓住新产品开发和老产品改造不放,及时召开专题会,成立新产品开发领导小组,拟
In 1993, China’s scientific and technological undertakings entered the market in an all-round manner. In this year, Hefei Cigarette Factory successively developed 12 brands and 17 specifications of cigarette products, increased revenue by more than RMB 30 million, and controlled the landslide situation in one fell swoop, winning market. Why is it that an old cigarette company can make such dramatic changes in eight months? The key lies in... Paying attention to the development and transformation, creating a number of high-end products. Looking at the cigarette market in our province, the products are mostly in the middle and low grade, and the competitiveness is not strong. . Hefei Cigarette Factory is no exception, producing landslides with serious losses. At the beginning of his appointment last April, director Yang Qianping firmly seized upon new product development and transformation of old products, convened a special meeting in time, and established a new product development leading group.