When analyzing the reliability of an actual engineering system, it is often simplified as a series-repairable system. The average repair time is one of the main indicators of the reliability analysis and risk analysis of an engineering system. A feature of a series repairable system is that failure of any part of the series components can lead to system failure. In order to analyze the reliability of a series repairable system logically composed of N elements, the work and maintenance of the elements are subject to the Markov process. The system and the elements have only two states of operation and fault. The state transition of the elements can be performed in any But at a very small time interval, the state transition of two or more elements will not occur, thus the system state equation composed of n + 1 states is obtained. Considering the special solution of the initial conditions, the state equation is expanded and transformed into Laplace transform to obtain a convenient expression of the total unavailability probability and the average system repair time of the complex system. The example calculation shows that it is very convenient to calculate with these formulas, and the calculation accuracy is high and the computer program can be easily programmed.