Stable isotopes applied as water tracers for infiltration experiment

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tkoks
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The δD and δ18O vertical profiles of soil water were measured prior to and after a rainfall event.Mechanisms of soil water movement were deciphered by comparing the soil water isotope profiles with the isotopic composition of precipitation.The results show that evaporation at the upper depth led to enrichment of the heavy isotopes.Compared to the loess profile,the shallow soil water of sand profile is relatively enriched in D and 18O due to macro-pore and low water-holding capacity.The precipitation is infiltrated into soil in piston mode,accompanied with significant mixing of older soil water.The preferential fluid flow in loess was observed at depths of 0-20 cm,caused by cracks in the depths.The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in outflow are close to the precipitation,which shows a mixing of the precipitation and old soil water,and indicates that the isotopic composition of outflow water is mainly controlled by that of the precipitation.The δD and δ18O in outflow decreased with time until stable δ values of outflow are close to those of the precipitation. The δD and δ18O vertical profiles of soil water were measured prior to and after a rainfall event. Mechanisms of soil water movement were deciphered by comparing the soil water isotope profiles with the isotopic composition of precipitation.The results show that evaporation at the upper depth led to enrichment of the heavy isotopes.Compared to the loess profile, the shallow soil water of sand profile is relatively enriched in D and 18O due to macro-pore and low water-holding capacity. The precipitation is infiltrated into soil in piston mode, with significant mixing of older soil water. The preferential fluid flow in loess was observed at depths of 0-20 cm, caused by cracks in the depths. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions in outflow are close to the precipitation, which shows a mixing of the precipitation and old soil water, and that that the isotopic composition of outflow water is mainly controlled by that of the precipitation.The δD and δ18O in outflow decrea sed with time until stable δ values ​​of outflow are close to those of the precipitation.
民国年间,孔祥熙作为民国政府的要员,先后担任国民党中央银行、中国银行、农业银行行长,实业部、财政部部长等职,管了一辈子的钱,当时,国人戏称其为“财神爷”。在他一生的理财生涯中,有一件长期以来鲜为人知的事情,那就是在他的老家山西太谷县有一家孔祥熙暗地经营达30多年的私人银行。  孔氏老家的私人银行名为“山西裕华银行”,是孔祥熙出资10万元在山西太谷县创办的,对外声称的名义资本金为200万元。1915
After the reforms of the Meiji Period, Japan followed the example of big powers of the West and began to expand its territory by way of invading neighboring cou
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