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眼下,国家各级行政机关的工作正一步步用上了电脑网络。各地新闻媒体在报道这个内容时,使用了不少新鲜名词,如“电子政府”、“网上政府”等。笔者认为这样说是不恰当的。其一,政府是国家权力机关,各级政府都是国家的组成部分,按管辖权力范围来讲,有中央政府和地方政府之... Right now, the work of the administrative organs at all levels in the country is gradually using computer networks. News media coverage of this content throughout the country, using a lot of fresh terms, such as “e-government”, “online government” and so on. I think it is inappropriate to say so. First, the government is the state authority, and all levels of government are an integral part of the state. According to the scope of jurisdiction, there are central and local governments.