本文运用圆形分布法对莒南县 4 3年间乙型脑炎发病及死亡的时间分布进行分析 ,探讨接种乙脑疫苗前 ( 1956~ 1971年 )和接种乙脑疫苗后 ( 1972~ 1998年 )及不同的发病率时期其时间分布规律。结果表明 ,莒南县乙脑发病及死亡有严格的季节性特征 ,其发病高峰期为 7月 2 5日至 9月 4日 ,死亡高峰期为 7月 2 6日至 9月 4日 ,接种乙脑疫苗后 ,乙脑的发病高峰日提前 ,发病及死亡更趋分散 ,季节性减弱。随着发病率的升高 ,乙脑发病的高峰日推迟 ,季节性增强 ,发病更趋集中。
In this paper, we analyzed the time distribution of Japanese encephalitis incidence and death in 43 years in Jueonan County by circular distribution method, and investigated the effect of JE vaccine (1956-1971) and JE vaccine (1972-1998) And the different incidence of the time period of its distribution. The results showed that there was a strict seasonal feature in the incidence and death of JE in Juonan County. The peak incidence was from July 25 to September 4, and the peak of death was from July 26 to September 4, Japanese encephalitis vaccine, the peak incidence of Japanese encephalitis in advance, the incidence and death more dispersed, seasonal weakened. With the increase of the incidence, the peak of Japanese encephalitis postponed, seasonal increase, the incidence of more concentrated.