随着铁路事业的发展,软水工作也在革命化的道路上大踏步向前迈进,有的地方已经或正在实行炉外离子交换软水,为彻底防锈提供了良好的条件.但由于一次投资较多,工作量较大,以及其他因素,还不能及时地、普遍地上马.因此,在目前阶段如何做好炉内软水,彻底防止锅炉水锈的生长,仍具有现实意义. 我们段管内机车用水,均属硅酸盐水质,含硅量较大,一般都在15毫克/升以上,机车锅炉水锈长年来未能很好得到解决.在无产阶级文化大革命运动中,活学活用毛主席著作,发扬了敢想、敢于、敢闯、敢革命的精神,同时按照毛主席抓主要矛盾的教导,我们对以控制镁、硅比防止机车锅炉水锈的生长,进行了试验,并获得了一定的效果.现提出,供大家共同商讨,错误之处,欢迎指正.
With the development of the railway industry, soft water work has made great strides forward in the revolution. In some places, softener ion exchange has been or is being implemented to provide a good condition for thorough rust prevention. However, due to a large investment , The workload is large, and other factors, but also can not be promptly and universally launched.Therefore, how to do a good job in the current stage of soft water furnace to completely prevent the growth of boiler water rust, still of practical significance.We segment pipe water, Are silicate water quality, large amount of silicon, are generally above 15 mg / liter, locomotive boiler rust has not been well resolved over the years in the proletarian cultural revolution, live and learn to use Chairman Mao’s work, Carrying forward the spirit of dare to think, dare to dare to break through, dare to revolution, and at the same time, according to the teaching of Chairman Mao on major contradictions, we conducted experiments on the prevention of the growth of rust on locomotive boiler by controlling magnesium and silicon ratio, Now put forward for everyone to discuss the wrong place, please correct me.