’96甲A联赛,参赛的12支球队在技战术水平上,普遍提高不快,甚至还在不同程度上有所退步,这无疑是中国职业联赛的心腹大患。 仔细回眸今年的联赛,就会发现,联赛的对抗强度和比赛的激烈程度尚可,但是在战术打法、教练员水平等方面,不尽人意,具体的表现就是:局部争夺激烈,整体打法落后,与足球强国的距离未见缩短。11月20日的中、韩第二回合对抗赛,国家队的表现已告诉我们,这是一个不争的事实。
’96 A League A, 12 teams participating in the technical and tactical level, generally improve the unhappy, and even still have some degree of regress, it is undoubtedly the Chinese professional league confidants. Careful review of this year’s league, you will find that the intensity of the league’s competition and the intensity of the competition is acceptable, but tactical play, coaches level, etc., less than satisfactory, the specific performance is: local fierce competition, the overall style of play Backward, no longer shorten the distance with the football power. November 20 in the second round of China and South Korea, the national team performance has told us that this is an indisputable fact.