
来源 :中国高等教育评估 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuwuguigui
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本科教学基本状体数据库的常态化管理是新一轮评估工作思路和方式方法的重大改进,是建设我国高等教育质量监控与评估体系的重要内容。本文介绍了本科教学基本状态数据库建设的背景,阐述了当前高等教育教学基本状态数据库概况。以华东理工大学为例,论述了基本状态数据库体系框架结构、运行机制以及主要功能三个方面,探讨本科教学基本状态数据库发展方向。 The normalization management of the basic body database of undergraduate teaching is a significant improvement of the new round of assessment ideas and methods and methods, and an important part of building the system of monitoring and evaluating the quality of higher education in our country. This article introduces the background of the undergraduate teaching of the basic state database and expounds the general situation of the basic state database of higher education. Taking East China University of Science and Technology as an example, this paper discusses the basic structure of the state database system structure, operating mechanism and the main functions of three aspects, to explore undergraduate teaching basic state database development.
近年来,云南共青团围绕全省生态文明建设发展大局,组织和动员广大青少年广泛开展生态环保宣传,扎实推进青少年生态文明实践活动,植树造林20余万亩,援建共青团希望水窖3万多口,打造了“保护母亲河”“九湖流域生态监护”、共青团希望水窖“1+X”公益活动等一系列青少年生态环保品牌,总结提炼出“小手拉大手”“1助1”“1帮5”等工作模式和经验,为建设美丽云南作出了积极贡献。  2015年1月19日至21日,习