民主集中制是党的根本组织制度和领导制度。贯彻民主集中制原则 ,对于提高党委领导决策水平具有十分重要的意义。针对当前贯彻民主集中制原则的状况 ,有必要对什么是民主集中制、民主集中制原则的基本要求 ,以及正确贯彻民主集中制等方面做进一步的认识和探讨。
Democratic centralism is the party’s fundamental organizational system and leadership system. The implementation of the principle of democratic centralism is of great significance to improving the decision-making level of party committees and leaders. In view of the current situation of carrying out the principle of democratic centralism, it is necessary to make further cognitions and discussions on what is the basic requirement of the principle of democratic centralism and democratic centralism, as well as the correct implementation of democratic centralism.