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针对乌达区约200km~2的区域按照1km网格法在185个点位采集了约1.5mm厚度的地表尘土样.热解-Lumex RA-915汞分析仪对其测试结果表明:煤矿区尘土汞含量范围117~765ng/g,平均值为285ng/g;工业园尘土汞含量范围160~6453ng/g,平均值为804ng/g;城区尘土汞含量范围41~382ng/g,平均值为160ng/g;农场尘土汞含量范围16~198ng/g,平均值为66ng/g;荒地尘土范围3~284ng/g,平均值为50ng/g.乌达区尘土汞分布具有显著的非均一性.与乌达区背景值(18ng/g)和中国潮土背景值(50ng/g)相比较,乌达工业园和煤矿区尘土汞明显富集.与国内金属矿区、城区尘土Hg含量相比,乌达煤矿区、城区尘土Hg含量较低;煤矿区尘土汞与煤火区、矸石山相对位置和本身地势有关;城区位于煤矿区下风向,受煤矿区煤火影响,植被稀少、空气干燥和夏季日照较长成为制约汞沉降的主控因素;工业园区的极大值点可能与区域地理位置和PVC生产相关.通过计算Igeo值,发现乌达区工业园污染严重,偏重污染区域占全区36.59%,7.32%达到极重污染程度;煤矿区多为偏中污染和中污染,在全区所占比例为84.09%,偏重污染区域仅为2.27%;城区、农场和荒地污染较少. A dust sample of about 1.5mm thickness was collected at 185 sites according to 1km grid method in the area of ​​about 200km ~ 2 in Wuda District. The results of the pyrolysis - Lumex RA-915 mercury analyzer showed that: The mercury content ranged from 117 to 765ng / g with an average of 285ng / g. The mercury content in the industrial park ranged from 160 to 6453ng / g with an average value of 804ng / g. The mercury content in urban dust ranged from 41 to 382ng / g with an average value of 160ng / g, the range of mercury content in farm dust ranged from 16 to 198ng / g with an average of 66ng / g, the range of wasteland dust ranged from 3 to 284ng / g with an average value of 50ng / g, and the distribution of mercury in dust in Wuda district was significantly heterogeneous. Compared with the background value (18 ng / g) in the Wuda region and the background value (50 ng / g) in the Chinese fluvial soil, the dust mercury in the Wuda Industrial Park and the coal mine area is obviously enriched.Comparing with the Hg content in the domestic metal mine and urban areas, The Hg content in urban areas is lower than that in urban areas. The dust mercury in coal mines is related to the relative location of coal fire area and gangue waste and its own terrain. The urban area is located in the downwind direction of coal mines. Due to the coal fires, the vegetation is scarce, Long summer sunshine has become the main controlling factor of mercury sedimentation; industrial park maximum point may be associated with regional geographic location and PVC Health By calculating Igeo value, we found that Wuda Industrial Park pollution is serious, the pollution-prone areas accounted for 36.59%, 7.32% of the area to achieve extremely high levels of pollution; coal mine area mostly pollution and pollution in the region accounted for The proportion is 84.09%, with emphasis on pollution area is only 2.27%; less pollution in urban areas, farms and wasteland.
本刊讯12月10日,唐山港货物吞吐量突破亿吨大关,达到102385982t,同比增长72.27%,其中京唐港区完成7124万t,唐山港曹妃甸港区完成3115万t。这是唐山港建设发展史上重要的 On
目的 观察高频结合低频重复经颅磁刺激(HF-rTMS和LF-rTMS)对痉挛型偏瘫脑瘫患儿运动功能的影响.方法 将30例痉挛型偏瘫脑瘫患儿采用随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,两组患儿