近几年来我省果树面积发展很快,目前,有各种果园150多万亩,其中幼年果树占50%左右。据调查,果园草害普遍发生严重,尤其是幼年果园树行空间大,更易发生草害。杂草不仅与果树争夺肥水,而且增加果园郁蔽度,很多杂草又是病虫寄主,导致病虫害加剧,影响果树产量和果品质量,使产值下降,果园还由于杂草丛生,而影响到果实的采收,常常造成落果的损失。毒虫、毒蛇也威胁着果园工人的安全,从而使采收工效下降。因此,果园杂草化学防除是一项十分重要的工作。 (一)果园杂草的种类及消长规律
In recent years, the area of fruit trees in our province has developed rapidly. At present, there are over 150 million mu of orchards, of which about 50% are young fruit trees. According to the survey, grass orchards in orchards generally occur seriously, especially in young orchards with large space for trees and trees. Weeds not only fight fruit trees with fertilizers, but also increase the degree of orchards, many weeds are pests and diseases host, leading to pests and diseases, affecting fruit production and fruit quality, so that the output value decline, orchards also due to overgrown, affecting the fruit Of the harvest, often resulting in loss of fruit. Poisonous insects, poisonous snakes also threaten the safety of orchard workers, resulting in a reduction in harvesting efficiency. Therefore, weed chemical control of weeds is a very important task. (A) the types of orchards weeds and the growth and decline