Like other non-contact tonometers, Pulsair non-contact tonometers measure without surface anesthesia to prevent infection from spreading and keep the cornea intact. This tonometer is easy to operate, which is characterized by the separation of the measuring head from the main body, eliminating the need for an instrument stand and head rack. The authors used the Pulsair and Goldmann tonometer to measure and compare the intraocular pressures of 100 patients with 200 eyes and was designed to test the accuracy of the Pulsair tonometer. Methods: One person with Pulsair non-contact tonometer continuous measurement of 4 times, if the measured intraocular pressure, each difference is less than 3mmHg, then take the average, if the difference is less than 2mmHg, whichever is the highest value of 3 If the difference is less than 1mmHg, take the highest average of 2 times