Railway Ministry of Railways “basic terms of labor protection of railways”, “small welding welding dust control technical requirements,” two railway industry recommended standards review draft reviewers on August 24, 1993 held in Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province. The meeting has been Zhangjiagang Qili Lida Cosmetics Co., Ltd. vigorously assist. Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Railways, Weibao commissioned by the Ministry of standardized technology Lubei Office presided over the meeting, attended the meeting with the Department of Science and Technology, Labor Department and the main railway bureau, branch offices, engineering bureau and rolling stock factory. Labor and health care experts a total of 25 people. After all the delegates discussed in a warm and serious manner, they agreed that TB / T “Basic Terminology of Railway Labor Protection” reflects the characteristics of the railway labor protection profession and has strong scientific and practical features. The standard unifies the terms of railway labor protection to make it more standardized. TB / T “small welding welding dust control technical regulations,” a solid foundation for scientific research, feasibility, is a small railway welding dust ventilation measures to control the technical basis of welding dust, agreed to the two criteria After the revision of the meeting, the newspaper department approval.