云南高原西北部的丽江古城,是现今保存最完整最具有独特风格的国家级历史文化名城,目前已被联合国定为“世界历史文化遗产”。古城坐落在丽江坝中央,海拔2210米,面积约1.4平方公里,共居住有4200余户人家,是一个以纳西族为主的古老城镇。这里保留了古老的、浓郁的中国边疆少数民族特有的风土人情。 丽江古城始建于宋末元初,至今已有800多年的历史。据史书记载,元初,古城一带至少已有千余产纳西族人家。到明朝末年,丽江古城已是一座规模较大的高原集
The ancient city of Lijiang in the northwest of the Yunnan Plateau is the most preserved and most uniquely preserved national historical and cultural city today and has now been designated as the “World Historical and Cultural Heritage” by the United Nations. The ancient city is located in the center of Lijiang dam, 2210 meters above sea level, an area of about 1.4 square kilometers, a total of more than 4,200 people living, is a Naxi-based ancient town. Here, the ancient and rich ethnic customs of ethnic minorities in China’s border areas are preserved. The ancient city of Lijiang was built in the late Song and early Yuan Dynasties and has a history of more than 800 years. According to historical records, in the early Yuan Dynasty, at least a thousand Naxi people were born in the ancient city. The Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Lijiang is a large plateau set