承德市位于河北省北部,有日光温室面积5067公顷,其中日光温室番茄常年种植面积1334公顷。近年来,番茄根结线虫病在我市日光温室严重发生,发病面积达4 67公顷,一般发病的温室造成损失达60-70%,甚至绝收。目前,在我市的承德县、滦平县、双桥区、双滦区的日光温室中均发现了此病的病害,自2006年以来,我们连续3年进行了跟
Chengde City is located in northern Hebei Province, a solar greenhouse area of 5067 hectares, of which greenhouse perennial tomato plantation area of 1334 hectares. In recent years, tomato root-knot nematode disease occurs seriously in the solar greenhouse in our city, with an area of 4 67 hectares and a loss of up to 60-70% in the greenhouse where the disease generally occurs. Currently, in the city of Chengde County, Luanping County, Shuangqiao District, Shuangluo District, Sunlight Greenhouse were found in the disease disease, since 2006, we have been followed for three years with