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在Mishmish区块,油藏埋藏相对较深,地层压力高,中上部地层软硬交错,缩径严重,容易导致卡钻的严重后果,所以必须采用高密度来平衡地层压力,确保安全钻进。但是,在高密度条件下,机械钻速相对较低,容易发生井漏、卡钻等复杂事故,导致钻井周期延长,研究高密度条件下提高钻进速度有较重要的现实意义。 In the Mishmish block, the reservoir is relatively deep buried, the formation pressure is high, the middle and upper formations are staggered hard and soft, and the diameter of the middle strata is serious, leading to serious consequences of stuck pipe. Therefore, high density must be used to balance the formation pressure to ensure safe drilling. However, under high-density conditions, the ROP is relatively low, which is prone to complicated accidents such as lost circulation and stuck pipe, resulting in prolonged drilling cycles. It is of more practical significance to study how to improve the drilling speed under high-density conditions.
目的 测定重度子痫前期(severe pre-eclampsia,S-PE)患者和正常孕妇多功能蛋白酶(large muhifunctional protease,LMP2)基因多态性及夫妻共享率,探讨该基因与S-PE发病的相关性。方法 选择102例S-PE患者及其配偶为研究对象,随机选择200例正常孕妇及其配偶作为对照。所选孕妇均为单胎初孕,孕35~40周。各取2ml外周静脉血抽提DNA,应用P
Objective: Recently, reports have indicated that the imbalance of circulating angiogenic factors is important in the onset of preeclampsia. In this study we inv
Objective: To compare the efficacy of rosiglitazone and clomiphene citrate (CC) with metformin and CC in women with CC- resistant polycystic ovary syndrome (PCO
我科自 1996年以来共收治肝硬化患者 171例 ,其中并发肝源性糖尿病者 3 0例 ,其临床特征如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 :本组男 2 5例 ,女 5例 ,均为乙型肝炎后肝硬化 ,肝
Because lower initial hCG concentrations are associated with slower rates of decline in spontaneous abortions, the aim of this study was to provide a detailed d
目的 应用红霉素对糖尿病 (DM)大鼠离体近端结肠平滑肌自发性收缩的干预 ,探讨其对糖尿病结肠运动障碍的作用、以及与结肠平滑肌运动、血浆和结肠组织中生长抑素 (SS) ,血管