Hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma:a clinical analysis of 70 cases

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfbandfsy
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BACKGROUND:The incidence of hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma is increasing and it is always associated with poor survival.This study analyzed an effective therapeutic method. METHODS:A retrospective analysis was made on 70 patients with hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma admitted between January 2004 and February 2007 to the General Hospital of Air Force PLA. RESULTS:Forty-seven patients had hepatic duct- jejunum anastomosis after resection of hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma.Internal or external biliary drainage and canals for internal radiation were performed in those patients unfit for operation.Among the 70 patients,5 died within 15 months,27 survived more than 24 months,and the others survived 4-18 months. CONCLUSION:Surgery is the primary therapeutic method for hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma.Internal or external biliary drainage can prolong the life-span. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was made on 70 patients with hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma admitted between January 2004 and February 2007 to the General Hospital of Air Force PLA. RESULTS: Forty-seven patients had hepatic duct-jejunum anastomosis after resection of hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma. Internal or external biliary drainage and canals for internal radiation were performed in those patients unfit for operation. Among the 70 patients, 5 died within 15 months, 27 survived more than 24 months, and the others survived 4-18 months. CONCLUSION: Surgery is the primary therapeutic method for hepatic portal cholangiocarcinoma. Internal or external biliary drainage can prolong the life-span.
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