中铁山桥集团有限公司(原铁道部山海关桥梁厂)是我国生产铁路道岔、桥梁钢结构、大型机械产品历史最久、规模最大、实力最强的制造企业之一,是国家认定企业技术中心和全国铁路器材研发基地,是以生产铁路道岔、钢桥梁、钢结构、工程机械为主导产品的集开发、设计、制造、施工与服务于一体的国有大型企业集团。公司创立于1894年、在职员工近5 000人。公司座落于河北省秦皇岛市山海关区,总占地258万m2,并建有山桥产业园、江苏重工、广东中山基地。公司拥有一支结构
China Railway Shanhaiguan Group Co., Ltd. (the former Ministry of Railways Shanhaiguan bridge plant) is China’s production of railway turnouts, bridge steel structure, large-scale machinery products has the longest history, the largest and most powerful manufacturing enterprises, is recognized by the State Enterprise Technology Center and National R & D base for railway equipment is a state-owned large enterprise group that integrates development, design, manufacture, construction and service in the production of railway turnout, steel bridge, steel structure and construction machinery. Founded in 1894, the company employs nearly 5,000 people. The company is located in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Shanhaiguan District, a total area of 2.58 million m2, and built a bridge Industrial Park, Jiangsu Heavy Industries, Zhongshan base in Guangdong. The company has a structure