Roland Harweg(罗兰特·哈尔维克)1934年8月20日出生于德国多特蒙市,是德国著名的语言学家,篇章语言学奠基人之一。早在孩提时代,他和语言似乎就结下了不解之缘。那时,他模仿电台播音员,训练标准语音。14岁时,对外语和语法产生浓厚兴趣,一发而不可收。到高中毕业,共学了9门外语,其中英语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语和荷兰语均达到能听会讲的熟练程度,显露出出众的语言才华。1955年进德国明斯特(Munster)大学,攻读“普通语言学及比较语言学”、“拉丁语”、“希腊语”和“梵语”专业。6年后,以优异成绩结束了全部专业学习,
Roland Harweg was born on August 20, 1934 in the city of Dortmund, Germany. He is one of Germany’s leading linguists and one of the founders of discourse linguistics. As early as childhood, he and the language seem to have formed an indissoluble bond. At that time, he modeled the radio announcer, training standard voice. At the age of 14, I became interested in both foreign languages and grammar. After graduating from high school, I learned a total of 9 foreign languages, including English, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch, all of whom achieved proficiency in listening comprehension and revealed outstanding language talent. In 1955 Munster University in Germany, studying “General Linguistics and Comparative Linguistics”, “Latin”, “Greek” and “Sanskrit” professional. Six years later, with the outstanding achievements of all the professional learning,