邯郸县自1998年引种“8901”小麦进行试种以来,目前栽培面积已发展至1333公顷,据1998~2000年统计,平均667m2产400kg(公斤)以上,比同等地力的普通小麦品种667m2可增收56元,受到群众欢迎。 “8901”属半冬性中早熟品种,分蘖力
Since the introduction of “8901” wheat in 1998, Handan County has grown to 1333 hectares of cultivated area. According to statistics from 1998 to 2000, the average yield of 667m2 is over 400kg (kg), which is higher than that of the common wheat cultivar 667m2 56 yuan, welcomed by the masses. “8901” is a semi-winter middle-early maturing variety, tillering ability