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企业在生产经营过程中会发生各项支出,对这些支出,按其受益期限长短可划分为资本性支出和收益性支出。 所谓资本性支出,是指那些效益及于一个以上(不含一个)会计年度的支出,对这些支出都应予以资本化,即先记入适当的资产帐户,然后在受益期内再按受益程度分期转作费用。如购置房屋、机器设备的支出,应先作固定资产入帐,然后按期提取折旧,将其价值分期转作各受益期的费用。 In the course of production and operation, the enterprise will have various expenditures, and these expenditures can be divided into capital expenditures and profitable expenditures according to the length of the benefit period. The so-called capital expenditures refer to the expenditures whose benefits are more than one (excluding one) fiscal year. These expenditures should be capitalized, that is, they should be recorded in the appropriate asset accounts and then be renewed within the benefit period. Instalments are converted to fees. Such as the purchase of housing, machinery and equipment spending, should be recorded as fixed assets, and then depreciated on time, its value will be converted into the benefit period of the cost.
The novel nitride-based luminescent materials have received much attention since the end of the last century. In this paper, the commercial Eu2+-activated nitri
[欧洲核学会《核新闻网》1994年7月28日报道] 荷兰科学家将使用一座专用核反应堆治疗以前不可治愈的几种脑瘤。他们计划在1995年初进行革命性的硼中子俘获疗法(BNCT)的临床
亲子关系是孩子降临世间的第一个人际关系,它对孩子身心的健康发展是十分重要的。然而在现代家庭中, 孩子与父母的心理距离越来越远。这困扰着孩子,同样也困扰着父母。 Pare
7.1 Bronchial asthma 2006058 The clinical study of the relationship between allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma in patients with autumnal pollinosis YI Jia(尹
AIM: To evaluate the effects of abdominal trauma on hemorrhagic shock-induced acute lung injury in rats. METHODS: Five groups were allocated (n = 8) in the stud
<正> 曹廷杰,字彝卿,号楚训。1850年生于湖北枝江县,是清末民初杰出的东北历史地理学者,又是一位积极主张抗击沙俄侵略的爱国主义者。曹廷杰1874年由廪贡生考取汉誉录,入北京国史馆。1883年离开国史馆北上吉林,由吉林将军派往三姓(今黑龙江依兰)靖边军后路营中,办理边务文案。1889年奉命到山西,先后任和顺、宁武、崞县知县,办理大同、阳高、天镇等处赈务。1895年因边务紧急,吉林将军思铭调曹廷杰返回吉林,先后任吉