
来源 :今古传奇(单月号) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scamponline
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为了纪念新中国成立60周年,本刊近日将隆重推出增刊《60个与共和国同龄的风云人物》。这是一部珍藏版名人秘史,更是一部传奇版共和国往事。本文精选其中部分人物的精彩故事,提前刊登以飨广大读者。这一组人物皆出身于红门,他们的父辈多为开国元戎,曾为新中国立下不朽功勋。他们与新中国一路走来,奋发图强,成为社会的中流砥柱,谱写了一篇篇新的传奇…… In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, this issue will be grandly launching a supplement of “60 Man of the Same Age with the Republic” recently. This is a Collector’s Edition celebrity secret history, but also a legendary Republic of the past. This article highlights some of the wonderful stories of people, published in advance to readers. This group of characters were born in the Red Gate, their parents are mostly founding Yuan Rong, who made immortal contributions to the new China. They walked all the way with New China, worked hard to become strongholds, became the mainstay of society, and wrote a new chapter ......