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国企改革是我国改革开放以来最为难点热点问题。如何加强和改进改制企业工会组织作用也是一个新课题。笔者结合所在企业情况,对此作些探讨。本公司是省国资委重点监管的大型国有建筑企业,2009年底顺利完成整体改制。三年多来,公司工会坚持在党委和上级工会的领导下,围绕企业中心工作,加强和改进工会工作作风,充分发挥工会组织是党和行政联系群众桥梁纽带作用,调动广大职工参与企业的可持续发展的积极性和创造力,为企业快速发展注入强大动力。公司2010年多项经济技术指标突飞猛进,尤其是一举实现利润2600多万,结束了长达10余年的亏损局面,承揽工程业务量从2010年的30多亿到2012年突破100亿大关,职工年平均收入同比增长15%。目前,企业面貌和员工精神状态大大改观。改制后,公司工会工作的主要做法是: The reform of state-owned enterprises is the most difficult hot issue since the reform and opening up in our country. How to strengthen and improve the role of trade union organizations in restructuring enterprises is also a new topic. The author combines the situation of the enterprise, to make some discussion. The company is the provincial SASAC supervision of large state-owned construction enterprises by the end of 2009 the successful completion of the overall restructuring. In the past three years and more, the trade unions of the Company persisted in working under the leadership of party committees and higher trade unions, focusing on the work of enterprise centers, strengthening and improving the work style of trade unions, giving full play to the role of trade unions in bridging the ties between the party and administrative masses and mobilizing the broad masses of workers and staff members Sustainable development of the enthusiasm and creativity for the rapid development of enterprises into a strong impetus. A number of economic and technological indicators of the company in 2010 by leaps and bounds, especially in one fell swoop to achieve profits of more than 2600 million, ending up more than 10 years of loss situation, contract engineering business volume from 2010 to 30 billion in 2012 exceeded 10 billion mark, Average annual revenue increased 15%. At present, the company’s face and staff spirit greatly changed. After the restructuring, the main work of the company trade unions are:
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在室内模拟条件下,探究了不同氮存在形态沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans L.)、黑藻(Hydrilla ver-ticillata)对氮净化效果的影响.研究结果表明:硝化作用是铵态氮去除的主要