
来源 :国外医学参考资料(卫生学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Coolbear
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当前关于生产性噪声对人体健康的影响问题,已引起工业及卫生部门的广泛重视。一个世纪以来,通过临床及动物实验观察,证明在无防护的噪声作用下,不仅听觉器官损伤,同时对神经系统、心血管系统等均有不良影响,症状及体征与噪声的强度、频率以及个人对噪声的敏感明显有关。长期接触高强噪声可引起噪声病,近年来才逐渐被认识。尽管国际卫生组织只根据听觉损伤制订噪声卫生标准,现国外屡有报导噪声引起的各种综合 The current issue of the impact of productive noise on human health has drawn the attention of the industrial and health sectors. For more than a century, clinical and animal experiments have shown that under unprotected noise, not only auditory organ damage, but also adverse effects on the nervous system and cardiovascular system, the intensity and frequency of symptoms and signs and noise, Clearly related to noise sensitivity. Long-term exposure to high-intensity noise can cause noise disease, only gradually recognized in recent years. Although WHO only makes noise health standards based on auditory impairment, noise-induced synthesis
<正> 一、自然界砷的分布砷系类金属,有三种同分异构体,即α-As4(黄砷)、β-As(黑砷)、γ-As(灰砷)。当空气灼热时,氧化成自砷,散发出蒜臭味。砷是地壳的组成成份,其含量为5×10-4%
目的 探讨术中超声在脊柱后路减压手术中的应用价值.方法 选择2017年10月至2019年12月在本院行脊柱后路减压手术28例,其中颈后路单开门内固定术13例,椎管内肿瘤切除术5例,脊