We consider the path cover problem which is to find a set of vertex-disjoint paths for a simple undirectedgraph with max......
The maximum internal spanning tree (MIST) problem is utilized to determine a spanning tree in a graph G,with the maximum......
We consider several novel combinatorial optimization problems,which combine the classic shop scheduling problems(nam......
Approximation Algorithms for Two Variants of Multiple Knapsack Problem with Restricted Bipartite Gra
Given n items with different sizes si and profits pi, m knapsacks with different capacities cj and a restricted bipa......
我们学习仓库零售商网络设计问题(k-WRND ) 的概括 k 中部的版本。我们作为一个二进制整数节目提出 k-WRND 并且建议 6 近似使随机......
我们由建议为这个问题与 2.3613 每情形界限绕行近似算法的 LP (地点问题) 学习二阶段的随机的设备地点问题(2-SFLP ) ,改进 2.4957......
A hybrid two-stage flowshop scheduling problem was considered which involves m identical parallel machines at Stage 1 an......