Functions of botanic garden such as cultural transmission, science popularization, public leisure, environment beautific......
Antihydatic and immunomodulatory effects of Punica granatum peel aqueous extract in a murine model o
Objective:To investigate the effect of pomegranate peel aqueous extract(PGE) on the development of secondary experimenta......
Ameliorative properties of Iranian Trigonella foenum-graecum L. seeds and Punica granatum L. peel ex
Objective: To assess the ameliorative properties of Iranian Trigonella foenum-graecum L.(T. foenum-graecum) seeds and Pu......
一种抑制牙斑形成的药剂是下列一种或多种药用植物,包括童氏老鹳草Gerani-um thumbergii(地上部分),蓝桉Eucalyp-tus globulus(地......
石榴(Punica granatum)根皮的生物碱自19世纪以来一直是深入研究的课题,测定了几种生物碱:石榴碱(1a),甲基石榴碱(1b)和假石榴碱.......
白草蒿(Artemisia herba-alba,A)、石榴(Punica granatum,P)和栎属植物(Quercus ilex,Q)为阿尔及利亚常用药用植物,由其组成的复......
将巴西产石榴Punica granatum L.鲜果制备甲醇提取物(PGME)。通过试管稀释法测定金葡菌对PGME(体积分数分别为0.01%、0.02%、0.05%......
紫薇绒蚧(Eriococous lagerstroemiae Kuwana)寄生于千屈菜科(Lythraceae)的紫薇(Lager-stroenia indica Linnaeus)和石榴科(Punic......
目的研究红树林植物木果楝Xylocarpus granatum的化学成分。方法采用色谱法分离,用波谱方法进行结构鉴定。结果从木果楝种子中分离......
Objective:To determine the larvicidal and adulticidal activities of hexane,ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Momord......
AIM:The present study was undertaken to isolate and standardize the various active phytochemical constituents present in......
目的:分析木果楝Xylocarpus granatum果实中脂肪酸成分及相对含量。方法:采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术,对木果楝果实中的脂肪酸以甲......
Considering the fact that liver is one of the most important organs in our body,it deserves special attention and protec......
In vivo study of pomegranate(Punica granatum) peel extract efficacy against Giardia lamblia in infec
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of pomegranate(Punica granatum) peel extract as an alternative treatment on the w......
石榴(Punica granatum L.)为落叶灌木或小乔木。原产地中海沿岸,西汉时期引入我国,何时传入封丘时间不详,清(康熙)县志有最早文字......
1981年,我们进行了几种花卉的组织培养研究,现将其中两种简介如下: 一、石榴(Punica granatum)将石榴叶片切成小块、消毒后接种在......
材料石榴(Punica granatum L.)名贵品种—软子石榴及玛瑙石榴成年树的一年生休眠芽。培养条件冬季从产地成年结实的石榴树上剪取......
石榴(Punica granatum L.)为落叶小乔木或灌木。果实艳丽、味酸甜、性清凉,根、皮、叶、花均可入药,治疗多种疾病,具有较高的生态......
石榴Punica granatum 科属石榴科,石榴属产地伊朗家庭养护指南●阳性,宜在阳光充足的阳台、窗台栽种。●耐寒,生长期宜温暖气候。......
学名石榴(Punica granatum),石榴科石榴属。原产阿富汗、伊朗等中亚地区。家庭盆栽一般为低矮型花石榴和小型果石榴。性状及花期......
Study on the Mechanism of Browning of Pomegranate (Punica granatum Peel in Different St
Peel browning of pomegranate fruit is the key problem during storage. The mechanism of it during storage in relation to ......
[Objective] To analyze the principle components of Punica granatum Linn.seeds.[Method] Water,protein,fat,ash,flavonoids ......
[Objective]To optimize the extraction process of polyphenols from Punica granatum Linn.peel and discuss the antibacteria......
Exploring the Transcriptome Landscape of Pomegranate Fruit Peel for Natural Product Biosynthetic Gen
Pomegranate fruit peel is rich in bioactive plant natural products,such as hydrolyzable tannins and anthocyanins.Despite......
The extracts from thirty plants collected or brought in the market were added to the culture medium to screen their anti......
以石榴(Punica granatum L.)成熟叶片为试材,设置6种保存方法,采用改良的CTAB法提取石榴基因组DNA,研究了不同保存方法对石榴叶片......
对石榴(Punica granatum)转录组数据进行从头组装,预测完整CDS序列的密码子使用偏向性;将石榴转录谱与其他8种蔷薇分支物种基因组......
为了优化河阴石榴(Punica granatum L.)多糖的超声波提取工艺,研究了超声波提取时的提取温度、液料比、超声功率和超声时间单因素条......
从石榴(Punica granatum L.)泰山红品种的花瓣中提取总RNA并反转录得到cDNA。设计简并引物对石榴类黄酮3’-羟化酶(F3’H)基因进行PCR......
旨在分离、筛选出可降解石榴(Punica granatumL.)皮单宁的微生物,从自然条件下霉变的石榴皮上挑取野生菌株划线分离,获得纯种菌株,使......
以泰山红石榴(Punica granatum为试材,于花后1周开始观测果实体积、果实直径、平均单果重、子粒百粒重、果实中总......
利用RT-PCR技术从泰山红石榴(Punica granatum L.)果皮中获得3-脱氢奎尼酸合成酶(DHQS)基因cDNA序列,分析了其在不同石榴品种发育期果......
为加工优质石榴(Punica granatum L.)叶茶叶提供科学依据,以9个石榴品种的嫩叶为原料,采用绿茶传统制作工艺分别制得石榴叶茶叶;感......
This study applies the development and application of low cost, Punica granatum bio-adsorbent for the removal of fluorid......
The antioxidant activity of pomegranate fruit peels was evaluated using in vitro tests. 80% methanolic extracts (ME) of ......
In the present study, the antinociceptive effects of acute (2, 4 and 6 ml/kg) and chronic (1, 2 and 3 ml/kg for 14 days)......