对腐生真菌Mucor indicus在湿氧化预处理的小麦秸秆水解液培养基中的生长及发酵产生酒精的性能进行了研究。结果表明,在厌氧条件下,......
Assessing site-safeguard effectiveness and habitat preferences of Bar-headed Geese (Anser indicus) a
Background:The Bar-headed Goose(Anser indicus)breeds across the high plains and plateau of Central Asia and winters in t......
An investigation was carried out to study the antibacterial activity of Sphaeranthus indicus from leaf, stem and root ex......
Pharmacological Control of Estrus in Tropical Cattle, an Economical Assessment of Different Synchron
To compare the fertility results and to assess the cost-effectiveness of several synchronization protocols applied under......
贵州剑河县巴水崖和镇远县朱砂凯里组剖面中下部都有Oryctocephalus indicus的产出,说明Oryctocephalus indicus的分布具有普遍性.......
我们在西藏自治区雅鲁藏布江河谷进行了为期两个冬季的黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)和斑头雁(Anserindicus)碰撞输电线路的调查。每个......
描述了一件象属(Elephas)的右上臼齿化石。标本产自查谟紧靠上西瓦立克亚群巨砾岩组(Boulder Conglomerate Formation)之上的砂质、粉......
With the aim of evaluating how changes in the metabolic status in the last month of pregnancy affects reproductive effic......
Comparison of Two Insemination Programs in Synchronized Early Postpartum Zebu Cows under Tropical Co
To evaluate an artificial insemination program in postpartum Bos indicus cows and by using deterministic models, to esti......
The structure of microbial populations in Nelore GIT reveals inter-dependency of methanogens in fece
Background:The success of different species of ruminants in the colonization of a diverse range of environments is due t......