Discovering multiple transcripts of human hepatocytes using massively parallel signature sequencing(
Background: The liver is the largest human internal organ-it is composed of multiple cell types and plays a vital ro......
Following publication of NASCIS II, methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) was hailed as a breakthrough for patients......
<正> In terms of reflection transformation of a matrix product state (MPS),the parity of the MPS is defined.Based on the......
Following publication of NASCIS Ⅱ, methylprednisolone sodium succinate(MPSS) was hailed as a breakthrough for patients ......
人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)的实施揭开了各种生物基因组解析的序幕[1~3].随着各种生物的基因组解析的顺利进行,遗传基因......