We investigate the strongly coupled minimal walking technicolor model (MWT) in the framework of a bottom-up holographic ......
作为新一代的影像技术,HDR(High Dynamic Range,高动态范围)一直有着比较高的技术门槛,越来越多的公司企业开始进军HDR领域,并纷纷......
Derivation of the Bosonic Part of the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from a General Underlying Techni
Bosonic part of SU(2)L U(1)Y effective chiral Lagrangian for electroweak symmetry breaking is derived from an underlying......
In the framework of topcolor-assisted technicolor model we calculate the contributions from thc pseudoGoldstone bosons a......
Applying perturbative QCD, we study the process Bc → Dsγ in the technicolor with a massless scalar doublet model (TCML......
In the framework of topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) theory, we study a flavor changing single top quarkproduction pr......
We consider the lepton-flavor violating (LFV) processes li → ljγ in the framework of topcolor-assistedtechnicolor (TC2......
Derivation of the Bosonic Part of the Electroweak Chiral Lagrangian from a General Underlying Techni
Bosonic part of SU(2)L U(1)Y effective chiral Lagrangian for electroweak symmetry breaking is derived from an underlying......
<正>随着DOCSIS 3.0的到来,有线运营商不仅能够成功提供高带宽数据业务,还能在网络游戏和视频(IPTV、VOD、OTT)领域保持优势地位。......
<正>ICTC 2011期间,中国有线网络双向接入产业联盟(BiCA,Broadband and Interactive Cable Alliance)宣布将推动WiFi降频技术标准......