目的 探讨提上睑肌三阶梯手术矫正上睑下垂的适应范围及效果。方法 根据提上睑肌肌力和上睑下垂的程度,将患者分为三组。A组为提上......
The Perineal Membrane: Its Composite Fibers and Nerve Content, and Relationship to the Levator Ani a
The perineal membrane (PM) is a thick, elastic fiber-rich, smooth muscle-poor membrane extending along the vestibule and......
Supportive tissues of the vagina with special reference to a fibrous skeleton in the perineum: A rev
With the aid of immunohistochemistry, the present review attempts to demonstrate the composite fibers and nerve topograp......
Evaluation of the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle Plication in the Treatment of Ptosis (About 12
Introduction: The ptosis is a fall of the upper eyelid in relation to a deficit of the levator device of this one. In pr......
The construction of superior palpebral fold gained popularity in the far East and at the present time is the most freque......
Accurate Application of the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Anterior Migration and Shortening Technique
Background Accurate preoperative evaluation of the levator palpebrae superioris(LPS)strength is required for specific ca......