Differences of characteristics related to xanthophyll cycle and chlorophyll fluorescence between ind
<正>To explore the protective mechanisms of pho- tosynthetic apparatus of rice against photo- damage,xanthophyll cycle c......
To provide physiological basis for the genetic improvement of hybrid rice with photoinhibition or photooxidation toleran......
Thedeclineofricequalityandgerminationabilityintheprocessofstoragewasabigproblemtofoodproductionandmanagement.Gasandtemperaturecontrolwasusedtode creasestoragelosing,butselectinggermplasmwithgoodstoragecharacterswasrare.Inpractice,itwasfoundthatstoragechar......
The QTL analysis of seedling cold tolerance in a double haploid population derived from anther cultu
<正>A double haploid population,derived from an- ther culture of F_1 of intersubspecies crossZheyeqing 8/Jingxi 17(ZYQ 8......
Subspecific Characteristics and Classification of Rice Varieties Developed Through Indica and Japoni
Six characteristics, i.e., hull color, chaff and leaf pubescences, length of 1st and 2nd rachis, grain length/width rati......