
来源 :2011年(第九届)中国通信集成电路技术与应用研讨会暨中国通信学会通信专用集成电路委员会十周年年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TDH39520007
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  USB3.0 作为最新一代的USB 传输标准,旨在满足高清视频流媒体和大型数字文件传输带宽的要求,经历了两年多的市场培育之后,即将开始大范围的使用。本文介绍了一种基于USB 3.0 协议的设备端控制器IP核设计。着重研究了USB3.0 链路层与协议层的工作模式控制的硬件数字电路实现。该电路支持超高速USB (SuperSpeed USB 5Gb/s)数据率的传输。为了满足USB 3.0 高速的传输要求,整个系统采用全硬件电路进行设计,减少SoC中CPU的软件运算量,同时使用了单脉冲同步器来同步不同时钟域所产生的串扰问题,因此电路具有在超高速传输时更加稳定的优点。设计的电路经过FPGA验证板的模拟,使用 0.13um 库的综合结果不包含存储器的逻辑门数为18.5 万门。
MEMS Industry is growing double digits now and will continue its fast growth for the next decade.Bosch is one of the earliest pioneers of the MEMS technology, and invented the famous Bosch Process.MEM
Plasma, eYCited with microwave energy, has Very interesting properties which are in direct correlation with the eYCitation frequency. This is due to the reachable high electron density, which itself h
This presentation introduces a new IC architecture and design technique which can be widely used for MEMS based sensors and wireless applications. The presented digital predistortion technique can ach
After many years developing, MEMS is getting blooming in consumer filed and become one of the driving force of new applications, especially Internet of Things since 2009. As the smart nodes on the IOT
There is a big boost in demand of MEMS in the last two years driven by their use in consumer applications such as smart phones, tablets and gaming consoles. Yole Developpment predicts about 14%compoun
The Medical Research Council and the UK Clinical Research Collaboration awarded a #4 million grant to the consortium of academic and industrial researchers to improve seYUal health through the use of
The "Hands-on access fab" is a 4" and 6" facility that companies can easily access and utilize for their prototyping. The fab is shared with other users and managed with best efforts. The fab will not
本文以GCr15 钢的碳化物液析、碳化物带状级别为突破口,结合现场工艺条件,调整轴承钢加热工艺,完善轴承钢的加热制度,并对调整完善后的效果进行对比分析。确定较为合理的轴承钢加热工艺参数。
通过40t EBT炉热装铁水生产连铸轴承钢试验,研究了热装铁水量对生产连铸轴承钢冶炼效果的影响。结果表明:随着热装铁水量的增加,电耗随之降低;存在一个适合的热装铁水加入量,此时的冶炼时间最短;热装铁水生产的连铸轴承钢Cu含量降低,As变化不明显。
本文通过对低碳高硫易切削钢的连铸坯进行了成分化验和低倍酸侵试验,研究元素C、Si、Mn、P、S的成分偏析特征并分析其形成原因。结果表明,连铸坯的C、Si、Mn、P、S的偏析度均在0.9~1.1 之间,S、P 元素存在中心负偏析,低倍检测发现连铸坯存在中心疏松。分析认为,中心疏松是导致中心元素负偏析的主要原因。