Evaluation on Training Program for Volunteer Mentors of Helping Patients with Deliberate Self-Harm B

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojianlan
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  Background: Volunteers have been employed as one of the largest forces of suicide prevention since 1950s.The selection and training programs for preparing these voluntary task forces are crucial in leading to the success of helping suicidal individuals.A series of volunteer recruitment, selection and training exercises were conducted to develop a team of volunteer mentors who were assigned to provide a 9-month of follow-up service to DSH patients aged 18-34 in a randomized controlled trail.This study aims to evaluate the changes of volunteer mentors in terms of their attitude towards, and knowledge and skills of helping DSH patients, after joining the training programs.Methods: 67 out of 130 volunteer mentors were selected after participating in a two-tier training program.The content of the seven-session training program (total 20 hours) covers topics such as knowledge and skills of helping DSH patients, active listening, crisis management and problem solving skills, and referring DSH patients to appropriate professional and community services.All volunteer mentors were assessed at the beginning and the end of the training program, and after the completion of offering a 9-month follow up service to a DSH patient.Measurement outcomes include the level of mental health literacy, efficacy in handling suicide crisis (Suicide Intervention Response Inventory) and perception of intervening suicide crisis (Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Questionnaire).Results: Preliminary results of the evaluation and the implication for future development of similar training programs will be discussed.
  Background: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered as one of the most prevalent anxiety disorders during the life time and can negatively influ
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  Purpose: It is generally thought that many of suicidal patients have fallen ill with depression.However, the correlation among distress, depression, depress