Quantitative proteomic analysis of brain damage of rat pups in response to intrauterine infection ch

来源 :第二十次全国儿科中西医结合学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiansujiao
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  Intrauterine infection/inflammation can significantly affect perinatal brain development and result in significant alterations in brain structure and function.However, the pathophysiological mechanism of intrauterine infection remains elusive and therapy remains limited.Proteomics analysis might provide insight into potential mechanism and thus help to improve the clinical treatment.In this study, pregnant SD rats were divided into lipopolysaccharide (LPS) group and control group randomly, LPS or saline was injected for two days from gestation 18.Quantitative analysis of the brain tissue of 4 day-neonatal rat pups in two groups was performed using label-free shotgun analysis.Results showed that there were 283 protein identified from control group, 260 protein from intrauterine infection group.Two hundred and eleven proteins were absent, 11 proteins were 2 folds up-regulated and 11 proteins were 2 folds down-regulated in LPS group compared to control group.After analysis using DAVID database, we found that the differentially expressed proteins comprised mitochondrial component or proteins, cytoskeleton and organelle et al.Molecular function analysis revealed that the majority of proteins were involved in ion binding,nucleotide binding and enzyme binding et al.Biological process analysis showed that the majority of proteins were involved in regulation of nervous system development, regulation of ion transport, protein complex biogenesis and cytoskeleton organization et al.We then used STRING 9.0 software to analyze and explore the complex interactions existed among these proteins.Finally, we used Western blot to verify the fold changes of some proteins that we randomly chose and found that there existed the same trend compared to the results of proteomics.This novel study performed a full-scale screening of the proteomics research in intrauterine infection of immature rat.
  目的 对近5年来收治的800例诊断为小儿脑性瘫痪患者病例进行回顾性分析,探求小儿脑瘫治疗新思路;方法 结合中医"脑主神明"理论的发展轨迹,对近800例小儿脑瘫患者病例的证型,