Pulses and dynamics in mode-locked lasers

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccw629
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  Mode-locked lasers can generate ultra-short optical pulses, with durations ranging from hundreds of picoseconds down to a few femtoseconds.An important mathematical model includes the so-called "master" laser equation [cf.1,2] which contain specific gain loss terms.Recently a distributed modification of this system, with power saturation effects included, has been introduced and studied.Such power saturation equations are associated with Ti:sapphire and fiber lasers.The power stauration model admits localized pulse solutions and mode-locking under wide ranges of the parameters for both constant dispersion as well as dispersion managed systems [3,4].Localized modes are found, which approximately satisfy the system without gain-loss terms, but for unique values of the propagation constant.Modes are found by mode-finding methods and direct numerical simulation indicate that.they evolve from general initial data.
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