Population genomic analysis and Genome wide association studies through the re-sequencing of 778 mai

来源 :第一届全国玉米生物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadongfang2
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Modern maize breeding process have generated enormous amount of genetic variants which may contribute to the phenotype diversity.On top of re-sequencing data of 278 maize inbred lines,we expanded the population to 778 lines with~1.5x depth on average and identified 56 million SNPs.About 30 %of the SNPs are novel and enriched in rare SNPs.The non-syn/syn ratio is 1.09 which is comparable with the report in 278 lines,but lower than rice (1.29) and soybean (1.38).We found the ratio of non-syn/syn are 1.28,1.16 and 0.81 for SNPs with maf < 0.01,0.01<maf<0.05 and maf >0.05,which indicates strong purifying selection during maize breeding.The genetic diversity are lowest in CDS regions (θπ =0.0049 and θw =0.0045),while the genetic diversity in the upstream and downstream 2kb of genes (θπ =0.0091 and θw =0.0085) are~1.4 fold higher than the whole genome level (θπ =0.0065 and θw =0.0069).
本研究对实验室在六倍体小黑麦与普通小麦杂种后代选育的矮杆小麦种质SN224进行了鉴定,对其矮杆形状的遗传特点进行了分析,旨在为其应用提供参考依据.田间农艺性状调查结果表明,SN224平均株高63.8 cm,株型较紧凑,纺锤穗、有芒、白粒、千粒重42g左右,中抗条锈病和白粉病,后期不早衰.细胞学和染色体原位杂交分析结果证明,SN224根尖细胞染色体数目为42条,花粉母细胞减数分裂M1可观察到21个二
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